hi from triana!

Monday, March 03, 2008

more marathon...

Yes, we did feel like this guy (the 2008 marathon poster boy) after crossing the finish line...and the fact that we were rewarded with a big fat Bollycao (actually a gross hotdog bun filled with chocolate!) made it all worthwhile. Also included, a pic after the race at plaza Salvador with our victory drinks and medals....XXXOOO from Sevilla where spring is here and everywhere is starting to smell like orange blossoms!!

Marathon pics!!

A few pics....me and Javi finishing the 42K at the Olympic Stadium (thanks for your picture, Kristy!), posing in the the official marathon uniforms in front of my house, playing in the park after the big day


Hola!! Javi and I did the Sevilla marathon last Sunday and were very happy to finish the 42+ kilometers (it sounds a lot longer than 26 miles, but it´s the same distance)...I had a great day and felt strong. My marathon number was 3331, and my official time was 3:33, I was the 11th woman! Javi was a rockstar for finishing at 4:56 WITHOUT training, Olé, olé! We had major agujetas (sore muscles) after, and spent a few days at the beach relaxing and playing in the park with our friends´ niño, Angelo. Love from Sevilla, M.A.