hi from triana!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Bike rides after feria.......

Major recuperation was required after the feria festivities this year!! We took off for the beach to bike to the dunes and see a new bull fighting ring.... & last weekend for mojitos on a terrace and a 50K bike ride in San Lucar de Barrameda (home of the manzanilla wine bodegas). The trophy cup turned out to be useful for drinking manzanilla after we finished!//M.A.

More feria pictures!

A few more....


My favorite time of year, feria, was great in 2007! Here are some pics, mil besos

Semana Santa en el campo

Hola! I have been guilty of being a very lazy blogger but mas vale tarde que nunca!! (better late than never as they say here in Sevilla)....Recent pics: a visit to Javi's new campo (in the sierra mountains near fuentes de leon). We spent part of semana santa in the company of goats and a scary owl and yes that's me in the tree! Love and besos from Spain!!//M.A.